Where is Gastrointestinal Specialists located?

All consultations take place at:
Hillcrest Medical Centre
Suite 1, 18 Bell Street
Heidelberg Heights VIC 3081

Where can I park?
  • Ample on street parking is available on Bell Street (1hr + 2hr) outside our consulting suites.
  • Parking is also available on adjacent streets (e.g. Dresden St).
  • The area can be busy at times so please allow enough time to find parking.
How do I make a new appointment?
  • Contact our consulting rooms by telephone or via email.
  • Office hours: 0900 to 17:00 Monday to Friday (except public holidays).
  • Please ensure that your doctor provides you with a referral addressed to Gastrointestinal Specialists to ensure that you are eligible for a Medicare rebate for your specialist consultation.
What can I expect if I have an upcoming appointment?
  • A text reminder will be sent on the day before your specialist consultation.
  • Please confirm that you will be attending via text.
  • If you are a new patient, you should complete the new patient registration form.
  • Please bring the following to your specialist consultation:
    • referral letter 
    • Medicare card 
    • private health insurance or DVA details
    • any recent investigations: blood tests, imaging reports, previous endoscopy reports
  • The duration of your appointment varies according to the complexity of your care.
How much is a specialist consultation?
  • We will provide estimates of upfront and out-of-pocket consultation costs when you make your appointment.
  • Please note that your consultation will be partially reimbursed by Medicare.
I have an appointment but feel I need to see the specialist sooner. What should I do?
  • We encourage you to discuss the urgency of your situation with your referring doctor who is welcome to contact the rooms if they agree that a priority consultation is required. 
  • Alternatively you can contact our staff who may be able to offer you an earlier appointment or discuss your situation with the specialist that you are scheduled to see.
Do I still need an appointment for test or procedure results?
  • Our staff are not able to provide you with results of tests or investigations over the phone.
  • We encourage you to schedule a review appointment to discuss the results of recent investigations.
  • Alternatively we can arrange for your results to be forwarded on to your referring specialist.
Can I speak with my specialist outside of a specialist consultation?
  • If you need to convey a message to your treating specialist, please contact our rooms via telephone orĀ email.
  • Your message will be passed on to your treating specialist.
Can you please provide me with a prescription because I have run out or lost my script?
  • Please remember to ask for prescriptions at the time of your specialist consultation.
  • We encourage you to see your local doctor for script refills unless they are specialist medications that only your specialist can prescribe. If you have not been seen recently, you may need to make another appointment to ensure that your clinical status has not changed before a script can be provided.
I have lost my request for pathology/scans/other tests. What should I do?
  • Please contact the rooms so we can arrange for copies of your requests to be resent to you. 
  • If there is a delay in your tests being performed your appointment may need to be rescheduled.
What time do I need to arrive at the hospital for my procedure?
  • You should hear from the booking office at the facility at which you are scheduled to have your endoscopy.
  • They will generally contact you on the day before your procedure to advise you of your admission time and location
Where can I get bowel preparation for my colonoscopy?
  • The bowel preparation that we recommend can be purchased from any pharmacy without a prescription.
  • Please follow the instructions that we provide, rather than the instructions on the packet.